Hatchlings Misoriented by Year
2021- 832 Misoriented – 252 Dead
2022 436 Misoriented -143 Dead
2023 343 Misoriented – 200 Dead
465 Hatchlings of those are lost
Our beaches have evolved from naturally dark moon and starlit ecosystems to populated communities lined with brightly lit homes, businesses, condos and hotels.
Below is a link to our Lights Out Sea Turtles Dig the Dark flyer. Please feel free to download and print this flyer for your family, friends and renters visiting OIB.

In present times, many coastal area are highly populated. There are many artificial lights near the beach that can deter nesting females from coming ashore or once on the beach fail to nest(false crawl) and disorient hatchlings. When disoriented, baby sea turtles travel inland, toward artificial lights, they often die from dehydration, are preyed upon by fire ants, fox, ghost crabs or other predators and sometimes crawl into the road where they are run over by traffic or accidentally stepped people. Sadly, on OIB we lose hatchlings each year due to disorientation.
We are proud to announce our “Lights Out Sea Turtles Dig the Dark” initiative. We will be working with homeowners, condo owners/associations, property owners associations, hotels and businesses to reduce the amount bright lights that can be seen from the beach. This voluntary participation will include replacing light fixtures and light bulbs with a sea turtle safer option. We have raised funds to purchase sea turtle safe light bulbs and light fixtures.
If you are interested in saving sea turtles by changing your light bulbs or light fixtures, please contact us at TurtleLights010@gmail.com
OIBSTPO P.O. Box 6524 Ocean Isle Beach, NC 2846
for additional information, please contact Veronica Quinn turtlelights010@gmail.com
To view light survey on OIB use link below.
Ocean Isle Beach Sea Turtles – YouTube