Much thanks to all our nest sponsors. Your sponsorship makes it possible for us to save nesting mother sea turtles and their hatchlings. All nest sponsorships are non-refundable donations to the OIBSTPO. We use these funds to purchase sea turtle safe light fixtures and donated to the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital.
Each OIBSTPO nest sponsorship will include a sign at a nest with the sponsors name, nest name and one photo. Celebrate or honor the memory of a loved one by saving sea turtles on Ocean Isle Beach by sponsoring a nest on OIB. Your wildlife warrior will love this gift!
Signs are placed at a verified nest and will remain in place until the nest is closed.
Our traditional sponsorships are currently closed. We will reopen them if we verify nest 35. Traditional sponsorships support cost of goods and ATV upkeep for nests on OIB,
Lights Out and Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center are AVAILABLE.
All nest sponsorships are non-refundable donations as the OIBSTPO uses these funds to purchase sea turtle safe light fixtures and donated to the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital.
Lights Out sponsorships support sea turtle save light fixtures, amber light bulbs, streetlight replacement and to pay the increased electric bill for these fixtures.
All nest sponsorships are non-refundable donations as the OIBSTPO. We use these funds to purchase sea turtle safe light fixtures and donated to the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital.
Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center sponsorships allow us to make a greater donation to this valuable sea turtle conservation origination.
***NC Wildlife Resources Commission guidelines limit the information we publish. Unfortunately, this means we no longer share the address of verified nests or when nests are showing signs of emergence.
Our Traditional Nest Sponsorships and Sponsorships for ALL Three at the same nest are currently CLOSED. As soon as we verify nest 36, we will reopen these nest sponsorship opportunities.
Lights Out and Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehab Center are OPEN.